Dental Insurance
Savvy job applicants are attracted to your business by more than just a solid base salary and ample vacation time. The employees you want, the discerning men and women who invest in a career as opposed to hunting for a job, are attracted by a robust benefits package with room for customization. A high quality Massachusetts Dental Insurance plan will be high on their list.
But benefit packages, like employees, are not a one-size-fits-all affair. Older job applicants may look for more guaranteed coverage than their younger – and, perhaps, healthier –counterparts. There’s wiggle room, and plenty of space for give and take. Most health plans cover at least a percentage of preventive care and out patient costs, along with overnight hospital stays, prescription drug coverage and ambulance services. However, any insurance plan is customizable. There are also plans available that allow the insured to pay more out of pocket for doctor visits, hospital stays and procedures, and less to the insurance company.
Often referred to as “high deductible” or “catastrophic” plans, these packages have become more popular among younger, healthier people who are willing to roll the dice with their health as collateral while the cost of insurance has increased.
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are gaining traction and becoming more popular. They’re designed similarly to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), allowing the insured control over their money while it sits in an account bearing interest.
Enter Dental Insurance. This is an insurance plan that covers employees for routine check-ups, x-rays, fillings, fluoride treatments, caps, bridges and other dental care as outlined in the policy we can help you create. Some Massachusetts Dental Insurance plans can even be crafted to include orthodontic care.
You can think of Dental Insurance plans much the same way you would Major Medical in that they have a deductible and co-payment amount. Where they differ is in the maximum annual amount that they will pay in any one calendar year. Most plans also have a waiting period before major benefits can be used.
Robust benefits are attractive to quality employees, but so is the ability to customize premiums and coverage. Whether you have older employees who are conservative with their insurance or younger professionals who don’t mind risk for a higher reward – or, likely both – we can help you design a plan for every scenario. Contact us today. Your employees will be sure to smile when they see the coverage we can help you provide.